Fuel Tanks
Fuel Tanks
Household & Alternative Cleaning Products
Check out the EPA's home and garden Protecting the Environment website for detailed information about home safety and pollution control.
Additionally, Washington's Department of Ecology has complied Household Cleaning Recipes (includes tub, sink, mirror, window, toilet bowl, oven, drain, and all purpose cleaner recipes) and Toxic Free Tips if you would like to find out about alternatives to hazardous products.
Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs
Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs
National Library of Medicine, Hazardous Substance Database.
Type in the name of the chemical and then browse on topics such as human health effects, environmental fate, and environmental standards at the National Library of Medicine, Hazardous Substance Database.
Questions about Household Hazardous Waste?
Download The Hazardless Home Handbook (pdf) and check out oregonmetro.gov for information on sustainable living in your home and garden.