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Well Water Program
People who rely on wells are often concerned about not having enough water. This section addresses many topics related to this concern.
Conservation plays an important role in ensuring a sufficient water supply throughout the year. A wide variety of water conservation methods, publications, and other websites on how to get by with less water in the home and outdoors, including landscaping that uses less water are available at the following sites:
Storage techniques can increase the supply of available water for both potable and nonpotable uses. The following websites provide useful information on holding tanks, rainwater harvesting techniques (including rain barrels and cisterns), and more.
There are many reasons why a well may produce less water than in the past, including problems with the well or pump, interference from nearby wells, drought, and even geological changes caused by earthquakes.
View more detailed information about wells going dry.
This process is more complex than you may think.
View more detailed information if you are thinking of monitoring your well.
Gray water is household waste water other than toilet water (referred to as "black water"). Some states allow re-use of this water to irrigate lawns and gardens. At this time, IT IS ILLEGAL TO USE UNTREATED GRAY WATER IN OREGON.
View more detailed information about gray water.
The Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) has designated certain geographic areas of the state as Critical Groundwater Areas (due to pumping that exceeds long-term natural recharge) or Groundwater Limited Areas (due to resource depletion). If you live in one of these areas there are restrictions placed on new uses and possibly even on existing uses. For more information on the location and nature of groundwater restrictions in Oregon please visit the Water Protections and Restrictions page.
Well owners are often concerned about drought conditions and each year's unique drought conditions could affect well water in some areas. The following links lead to several drought websites that in turn provide links to others.